TheCitizen — He Can Tell You Everything





TheCitizen — He Can Tell You Everything — lyrics






(Verse 1)
They don’t want to know the truth about me and you
Never would’ve felt a thing, the things we’ve been through
You could have told me, but i hit your line and no call goes through
Always had your back and now it hurts me when i see
You, knew
Me, too









Missing til the night falls over, I can’t find the truth
You were with him last night, what’s up with you?
Somethings coming down the sky, pitch black inside
He can tell you everything, so don’t come home tonight
I was hers and she was mine, I don’t know why
Saw you with another guy, and i was tеrrified
Saying sorry will not change my mind, stay home and cry
I can hеar you telling lies, I see it in your eyes








(Verse 2)
Tryna find away to your heart
You’re cold and I can’t see through the dark
When I look back it tears me apart
He took you away and i don’t want to have to restart









Missing til the night falls over, I can’t find the truth
You were with him last night, what’s up with you?
Somethings coming down the sky, pitch black inside
He can tell you everything, so don’t come home tonight
I was hers and she was mine, I don’t know why
Saw you with another guy, and i was terrified
Saying sorry will not change my mind, stay home and cry
I can hear you telling lies, I see it in your eyes









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