Portobello — Speak My Mind

Portobello — Speak My Mind — текст песни




Verse 1
Why, does it have to be like this
Because, I’m scared to admit


You’re on my mind
Let’s take some time
I can’t let you go


You’re on my mind
All of the time
But I won’t let it show


And i wish you could see what you do to me oh
All the time i’m dreaming what we could be so
Put on the track and don’t hold back cos i know
Just this time, ill speak my mind then go


Verse 2
Say, say what you need to
And ill stay, ill stay with you


It’s hard to find
I need some time so i can see
Losing my mind
The thoughts inside let me set them free


You’re on my mind
All of the time
But i won’t let it show


And i wish you could see what you do to me oh
All the time i been dreaming what we could be so
Put on the track and don’t hold back cos i know
Just this time, ill speak my mind then go




And i wish you could see what you do to me oh
All the time i’m dreaming what we could be so
Put on the track and don’t hold back cos i know
Just this time, ill speak my mind then go





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